Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Signing in

So, here's one.

When I was in high school, I had to take the bus all the time. Obviously, as I didn't get my license until I turned 18 and the state could no longer deny me my right to a gas guzzling murder machine.

Anyway, a little boy got on the bus with his mother. He had the biggest doe-brown eyes I've ever seen and was holding a pigeon feather in one hand. The boy looked at it like it was the most beautiful thing ever and somehow, he understood something I didn't.

When he sat down, his mother gave him the window seat. He stared out at the world with wonder and delight. Pointing at things that were passing by and asking his mother questions about what they were and why they were the way they were. Then he fell silent, looking out at the sky and he pressed his nose against the glass. As though to get a closer look at something.

Then he licked the glass.

1 comment:

AMG said...

I saw a kid the other day licking the glass window of a door I walked passed. I just paused and laughed for a minute before finishing my walk to work. I still smile, thinking of him.