Saturday, May 30, 2009

Unwilling Siren

Men confuse the hell out of me. I've found over time, that even though I am not the most.. attractive person in the world (Okay, I'm pretty damn hot when I try..), I have various men infatuated with me without me doing much of anything to provoke them.

Since I've been working at a pub, it's gotten worse. There is a.. number of regular customers whom I've had my co-workers describe as 'in love' with me. Why? I haven't the faintest. I don't wear makeup half the time. I don't do my hair. Hell, I hardly even dress to please the eye.. yet somehow, because I can put back a pint or two in a sitting, and have a vocabulary that would make a sailor blush.. I have this small pack of grown men drooling at the sight of me.

Now, it's spread to co-workers. (Or at least.. 15 year old dishwashers. The thought makes me cringe and giggle at the same time)

It makes me wonder what I could do to people if I actually -wanted- that sort of attention.

In other news, I'll be 28 in a month. That fuckin' scares the hell out of me. I keep wondering how I got so old.. and then keep reminding myself that I'm not really old, yet. Then I keep wondering how long I'm gonna keep looking young.. and start counting down the days until my ass sags, my face wrinkles, and I gain 300 lbs. I've already started getting grey hair. D:

Regardless.. I'm celebrating this year by getting my nipples pierced. Yep. Both of them. It's gonna be grand.

Annie's Haiku of the Day:

Nazis on tv,
Talking about Jew Problems,
Saturday Morning.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Lemme push up on that.

I woke up this morning with the sense that today might be the rest of my life. Not that I'm going to die or anything but that today will be the template for the rest of my days.

So I went nuts.

I got up and bathed all luxuriously. Shaved my face with soft cream and did my hair all nice. Put on some fine clothing and pet my cats who were both starved for my attention. Drank some orange juice which was delightfully cold.

Fell down my stairs. My car smelled like ass. There was a huge truck broken down across the street where I'm supposed to turn. The radio played no good music and it was all sunglare the whole way.

Is this really the template for my life? I'd give it a D+.