Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Goddamn, I love the internet.

I figured since I haven't posted in a while, that it might be that time again. Yaknow.. to post.

I was talking tonight, to this girl whom I haven't spoken to since she showed up on my doorstep at 14 years of age asking me for money to buy tampons. In my ignorance, I likely lent her drug money, but that just goes to show how very kind I can be to my friends.

Regardless, after she left me with a bad taste in my mouth, and a heaping chunk of self esteem ripped from my gut, I never really thought much of her until she found me on Facebook. Now, as we discuss where life has taken the both of us, I'm left with another strange taste in my mouth.

This flavor? Kind of like the taste you get when you look up to see God and realize that the universe is awesome, right after you're done wiping his jizz off of your lips.

I'll scoot on past the concept that it's completely cool to be able to find and talk to people I haven't in 10 years. We know how satisfying that can be. No, no folks.. I'm gonna sit right down and settle with the idea that it's goddamned cool to see where everyone I know from highschool has FAILED.

Yes. I am that petty.

There's the odd one or two who's just as spectacular as I remember them, of course. But I can't help but find some kind of sick satisfaction when I see the 'popular' girl in school has gained 100 lbs, and has an ugly boyfriend. Or that someone else I used to know and respect has the literary skills of a drunken chimpanzee.

And how many people do I know from highschool who've degraded into that creepy entity otherwise known as "Mommy" or "Daddy"?! You know, the weird obsessive parent that only posts about their children? It's downright disturbing when I see people that I used to bullshit in Art class with talking about how they're waiting to get their kids back from an estranged other-parent who has a restraining order out against them.

Fucked up shit.

I guess my point here, is that seeing how far my 'peers' have come.. only makes my minimal accomplishments all the more gratifying.

Yay! Go me!

Annie's Haiku of the Day:

A saddened Newfag,
Laptop without numberpad,
I cannot Triforce.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009



From now on, all of my roleplay characters will embody one of these virtues totally and completely. I could point out how some of them already are but that's not the point. I'd like to see some backbone in my characters and I think this is going to be what does it.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

These summer nights.

6 minutes and counting until I need to leave for work. The bags under my eyes could likely hold a week's worth of luggage, and I am too lazy to cover them with makeup. (Not that it would stay on well in this heat, mind you.)

After over a week of not being able to sleep more than 5 hours, or eat more than a scrawny meal a day, I've found that I've lost 5 lbs. Surprising, honestly.. but part of me actually likes the outcome. I can fit into my sexiest pair of black pants more comfortably, now, and the chub upon my stomach has receeded a small bit.

Nice to know that if I watch my diet a little better (Okay, this case is extreme) I can probably slim down just a bit.

The lack of sleep thing, however, isn't something I appreciate in the least. Last night was one of those nights where you try to sleep; wake up due to a disturbing or intense dream, and sit awake for 2 more hours with your mind racing in that space between dreaming and consciousness. I've been on sleeping pills, before, and knowing what it's like to be in that place, and as pleasant as it can be, sometimes.. I know that when I have to wake up in 5, 4, 3, 2, or 1 hours.. the anxiety of knowing my day will be ass doesn't allow me to really enjoy it.

Maybe it's coffee getting back at me. "Come on, have a sip again.." she says.. over and over and over again, until I realize I'm hooked once more.


Alright, time to put on some socks and catch a bus. @_@