Monday, June 29, 2009

Go, Annie!

It's that magical day. You know, the one that feels all 'personal' to someone, and they desperately hope it will be better than all of the others.

I find I've become jaded, over the years.

I was much more excited on Saturday. That.. was the big day of the Masquerade. I spent 50 dollars on my hair, and an hour and a half getting dressed.. but the results were always pleasing. I get such a thrill when I walk into a room, and people look at me and say "Wow". It's like I managed to bump my App rating a dot or two just because I put in a little extra effort.

I danced, a little. My Heterosexual Life-Mate danced much more than me (Fucking harlots). I mostly spent the night desperately trying to catch up with people I haven't seen for a year. It made me really sad to realize just how much I've lost touch with my social group because of my work schedule.

The mantra of the season seems to be: "Oh, well, I won't have that problem, come September."

Oddly enough? It's a really soothing thought.

1 comment:

AMG said...

School's going to kick my ass. I'm okay with that, though. I find the most pleasure in focusing my resolve into something like that. The pressure hurts, but goddamnit, it's like a drug.

The plus side of it all, will be the freedom to see people if I want to. Or have the ability to just.. go to a party for the hell of it, instead of taking 4 months to plan my get-away.