Oh, I should be studying.
I haven't watched so much television in the past month as I have in two days. I have a marvelous gift of procrastination and distracting myself. At this moment, this is a display.
Times like these when I allow myself to drift in thought and ignore my 'duties' is when I start to think about things that I haven't bothered to think about in a long time. Kind of like how I'm reading this blog when I haven't bothered to in over a month.
I wonder what parts of my old life will go back to normal once this school bullshit is all over? Being here to write this makes me wonder how the relationship between my co-author and myself will evolve, or if it will continue to deteriorate as many things do over time.
I have this coppery taste of regret in the back of my mouth sometimes when I see how much things have changed. No matter how much I've improved upon myself as a person and grown to be a different creature.. I still miss so many things in my past.
At this particular moment? This part of my past. I'm terrified a time will come when I realize that I only have memories left.
Please don't let that happen.