I was making pancakes for lunch, today, at 3pm. It was a desperate attempt on my part to remain awake while I was studying for my Project Management final tomorrow. (Which.. if I continue to procrastinate any further, I will fail like I bombed BSYS on Tuesday, but I digress..)

My mind was wandering, as it tends to do.. considering the intricacies of the food I was about to consume, and the recipe needed to prepare it. The name, I've always considered to be an odd one. Pancakes. Cakes? They look nothing like cakes. Well. Maybe they'd be more like cakes in a stack. Maybe if they had a chocolatey, more actual cake-like batter...
And then, it became all too clear.
What if I did have a cake batter? What if I did cook it in a pan? Wouldn't I then have the means to make an absolutely awesome layered cake? Each individually cooked 'pancake', cut down to size, and stacked atop another with a thin layer of icing in between?
Oh. Oh yes.
And so I write it down.. because I cannot rely upon my memory anymore. Hopefully, I'll remember to come back and read this, later.