Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The workout. See, I had walked into that place expecting to be dwarfed by men much burlier than myself. To be crushed beneath their heels, to have my underwear driven up into my colon via wedgie and to be thrown into a locker. What did I find? A bunch of motherfuckers that looked just like me.

One kid even started following me to ask me how my workout routine worked. I was like "Man, it's a free PDF. Gimmie your email address and I'll send it to you." He seemed pleased. Then I actually tried to workout routine.

I now want nothing more than death.

My leg muscles are all sore and failing, my arms and chest are all sore and failing. But goddamned if it didn't feel good to go to the shower after the fact. To wash off all of the sweat (of which there was a lot) and to get myself back to being like a human... God, that was nice.

So next time, I add 5lb to the bar and do it again. Then the next time, I add 5lb to the bar and do it again until I stall out. Then I back off 10% on the weight and try again with the +5 every time until I get to 1.5x my body weight on a squat. Then I can stay there a while since you should never have to move more than that amount of weight alone anyway.

It's strength training. Not GET TO DA CHOPPA training.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Go, Annie!

It's that magical day. You know, the one that feels all 'personal' to someone, and they desperately hope it will be better than all of the others.

I find I've become jaded, over the years.

I was much more excited on Saturday. That.. was the big day of the Masquerade. I spent 50 dollars on my hair, and an hour and a half getting dressed.. but the results were always pleasing. I get such a thrill when I walk into a room, and people look at me and say "Wow". It's like I managed to bump my App rating a dot or two just because I put in a little extra effort.

I danced, a little. My Heterosexual Life-Mate danced much more than me (Fucking harlots). I mostly spent the night desperately trying to catch up with people I haven't seen for a year. It made me really sad to realize just how much I've lost touch with my social group because of my work schedule.

The mantra of the season seems to be: "Oh, well, I won't have that problem, come September."

Oddly enough? It's a really soothing thought.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Drivel: Online.

The posting proceeds.

We went to a few jewelry stores today, checking up on rings that we might want.

This is the ring I picked.

I think it looks very steampunk. Anya's looking for a ring to match or compliment it and having a tougher time of it. But, here's where the story comes in:

We were in the store and the woman who sat down across from us to start showing us rings goes "So? How did you meet?" and we're like "Uhh... Here and there." and kinda glossed over it. Then she told us that there was a contest for who had the best and most interesting 'how did you meet' stories for the employees there. Apparently whoever was given the best story got something.

So we got to work. And told the truth.

"We were at an Vampire LARP and Anya was someone's ghoul. That's a servant. Then I poached said ghoul. That means take them out of someone else's service and put them into your own by feeding them blood. So we fell in love, then."

"...well. Isn't that special?"

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Shit that goes on in my mind.

Today was a strange one. I thrust myself into a room of people that, once upon a time, I looked up to. In a way someone would admire a hero or a fatherly figure. I sat around a kitchen table stuffing my face with foods that I don't even know the names of as I babbled about my experiences outside of a place that these people never left.

When I was at this place with them, working, they always told me that I needed to get my head out of the clouds and find new experiences. Here, I had. I kind of felt accomplished.. and hell, I've hardly started.

Part of me feels ashamed that I'm stepping out of the kitchen for good. I wonder if that makes me a failure because I couldn't hack it. But.. I don't think I would have changed anything, looking back.

Later on, I flaked out on someone I said I was going to RP with so that I could continue spending time with my friends. I went to Ashley's house and met her pet chickens. I was extremely envious. I've always wanted pet chickens. I picked them up, and played with them... and even found an egg!

It was a nice day.

5 days until I'm 28. I think I finally know how it feels to dread getting older.. but I could just be making a big deal out of nothing. It's not that I've lost my youth.. but I think I just see the time I have left to enjoy it.. slipping away. Thankfully, I don't plan on having kids, so maybe I can make the most out of 'adulthood' when I think I've finally reached it..

It's raining outside. It's been raining all day. The sound kind of makes me sleepy. There's a man in bed pissed at me beause I'm not in there with him.. but I couldn't really bring myself to sleep just yet. But, now that I've rambled on to the endless, quiet space of the internets.. I feel I may be ready, now.

Good night, world.